Backtracking. The week in Star Prairie has blurred, and will remain blurry since no notes were taken. Let’s recap some of the key events.
Picked up, generously, from Madison after a generous lift there was given.
A good mexican meal with a “large beer”.
A swim in a lake, of which much will be made.
Power-boating on a different lake, at what felt like higher speeds.
Visiting a foal less than a week old.
A walk in Interstate Park.
A trip to the Mall of America, a large place. There’s a whole theme park (Snoopy Camp) in the middle. And a wedding chapel.
Hanging out with my new step-siblings. For the sake of anonymity, I’ll call them Brae and Shady. Much fun with Super Smash Bros Melee and Frisbee French Cricket. Meeting the extended family and friends.
Mowing a huge lawn with a ride-on mower.
The “Get The Foreigners Drunk” party, though thankfully no surfacing of “that” drinking game. Drunken hill-rolling, though. Tacos too. Much local beer, margaritas.
A first drive in the USA, on the wrong side.
Hanging out with my father for the last time in a while.
Getting to know his new wife, the friendly stepmother.
Homemade curry with homemade naan bread.
A mosquito-infested walk at Saratoga Springs.
Peace and quiet; it’s a small place.
Heat burning down from the blue, blue skies.
Now, we’re off to Yosemite and many other national parks; we may be unable to blog or call for a little while. Advanced apologies, and have a nice day!