Simple and beautiful: The Dot Game, via Web Zen.
In other news:
Last weekend (9+10 April) we saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Wonderful, and my new favourite movie. No movie can remain a favourite forever, but I can’t recall enjoying a movie more than this one. Bill Murray and a large supporting cast weave a wonderful tale of fluorescent snapper, piracy, great sets, paternity and David Bowie sung in Portuguese.
Though I’m not related to either of them, both Wes Anderson (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums) and Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love) have made fantastic, unusual movies over the past few years. I can’t make any claims to be following in their footsteps, but more, please.
Also last weekend, a great massage from Bodywize in Teneriffe, opposite our old flat in McTaggarts. Recommended and very pleasant. Since then, lots of training plus private work, feeling tired but happy.
Recently: the first real, anonymous comments to this blog. Keep them coming.