Living on Mt Nebo is really, really nice. Sometimes, I get over the drive, but then on the weekend, we can take the comfy chairs out to the back deck, open a bottle of wine, and let the clean wind lift the stress from the world. It’s all in the air.
Meanwhile, I had fun coding over the weekend. (Yes, that’s geeky, but if that’s a problem it’s yours.) Simple-ish, I hacked up some code in JavaScript for Adobe InDesign to transpose a table, including content, fills, colours and fonts. Transpose is when you exchange rows and columns, and it’s something you never want to do by hand. Even in Excel it’s well hidden (Paste Special then hunt for the checkbox) and that would ditch the styles. So yeah, request in the comments if you’re interested. Which is none of you. So I’ll just go and post it to the Adobe site, assuming it hasn’t been written already.
Oh, if you’ve taken the word challenge from last post, put your words in the comments. Post without an account, it’s easier. Cheers!